It’s Just a Fling
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
The Bing Crosby and Bob Hope motion picture “Road to Rio” was released the same year my mama released me.
I mention it not because there’s a lot of criminal conspiracy in it, though there is. No, I mention it because I’m a proud papa whose singer daughter and her guitarist husband have their own new Rio-themed release.
It’s called “Midnight in Rio,” and they’re called 500 Year Flood. My daughter wrote the song with Fabi Metzker (who also sings), Helton Lima, and Richard Neves.
It’s got salt water, sunshine, samba sounds, and kisses from the sea in it, and some more stuff I can’t mention because I only know approximately one word in Portuguese; rest assured my daughter knows many more.
Listen to it on your favorite music platform here.
Consider it a fling on my part, but if you do listen, I’m sure you won’t mind.