Supremacy Pause

I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
The Republican majority Senate is deciding whether to elevate an unrepentant alleged rapist to the highest court of the United States, who might soon cast the deciding vote on whether men, rather than women, should control women’s bodies.
Is that irony, or simple disgust I hear rumbling across the nation?
There may or may not be an actual investigation into the bad things he did to get me to call him an unrepentant rapist. That depends on another unrepentant sexual criminal.
Pity poor Judge Kavanaugh. He certainly pities himself, repeatedly in testimony before the Judiciary Committee. “This thing was sprung on me,” he complained through tears over and over and over. All these high school and college girls trying to ruin his reputation by bringing up decades-old indiscretions when he was just a callow youth. It’s not fair. He went to Georgetown Prep. He went to Yale. He really likes beer.
I know that President Trump prefers like-minded people in his administration. But couldn’t he have gone off script just this one time to nominate someone who ISN’T a rapist?
Rapist is merely the worst of Kavanaugh’s disqualifications for the high court. He began this whole sordid process with a bald-faced, and totally unnecessary, lie just to kiss the ass-ring of a President who boasts of grabbing women by their genitals. “No president,” he lied, “has ever consulted more widely, or talked with more people from more backgrounds, to seek input about a Supreme Court nomination.”
If no President has done more than to read (or in this case, have it read to him), a list of judges favored by the extreme wing of his party, then Kavanaugh is telling the truth. Otherwise? He. Is. A. Liar.
He lied multiple times during his Senate confirmation hearings, and in the sham “hearing” the other day of eleven Republican men pretending to listen to the testimony of a woman who said His Honor sexually assaulted her when she was fifteen and he seventeen.
One Democratic senator asked her what most stood in her memory of the assault. The uproarious laughter, she said, of Judge Kavanaugh and his enabling friend in the locked room where the next associate justice of the Supreme Court tried to rape her.
The shame of every senator who votes to elevate this sorry excuse of a man (and sorrier excuse for a judge) will stand in Christine Ford’s memory, too, till the day she dies. As, without a doubt, will something else.
The uproarious laughter of that other serial sexual abuser in high office: the President of the United States.