Death to America
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
The unindicted felon and sexual predator who is President of the United States wants to make America every bit as great as China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Pakistan.
Those are the countries that boast the greatest number of state executions, and Donald Trump, who is known to enjoy a boast or two, has been apoplectic that this is a category in which he hasn’t been able to compete.
The federal government hasn’t killed anyone, using the death penalty as an excuse to party, since 2003. Barack Obama sure as hell didn’t kill anybody (Muslims don’t count), and Trump is at least twice the President he was (or to be fair maybe a little less, since Obama is really only half-black).
So he’s ordered his personal attorney, William Barr (winkingly also known as the Attorney General), to start pushing the needles as soon as possible, and Christmastime would be perfect.
Though still the only country in the Americas in ten years with a federal death penalty, the United States has fallen off the pace preferred by nine out of ten demagogues, executing only three men since 1994. Most executions in the United States are feted by member state governments, all but one of which that still do were in the Trump electoral column.
When he found out that all his favorite dictators held way more executions than the United States government, Trump was this close to declaring a national emergency. For him it was almost worse than when he found out the State of New York couldn’t execute the Central Park Five teenagers just because they were innocent.
I’ve always stubbornly opposed the death penalty, but to be honest, that was before we had a President who worked with the Russians to become President, and says he’ll be happy to work with them again.
He makes a compelling argument I could be wrong.
31 July 2019 @ 11:14 am
I’m an 83 year old man, white, Catholic, married, healthy and an American citizen, born in this country. I feel I have lived through the best America had to offer any American! I watched as this man was elected President of this country and felt sick to my stomach. I knew of his many bankruptcy’s going back many years when he filed for them and then walked away with millions while people who worked for him lost everything, businesses, homes and in some cases, there lives as well. As anyone in New York City what they think of Trump and they will first off the bat say, “he’s a crook!” I believe that he is working with the Russians, we saw him slap America in the fact when he met Putin in Helsinki and said he believed Putin over our FBI and CIA. We all see, or should see, how his loves ALL dictators around the world, he seems to almost salivate when in there presents. We as a Nation, under him, have seen him break every rule and in some cases, laws that have been in effect in this country for over 150 years. He has refused to release his tax, which I’m sure would tell us how he has been able to get all them monies that he has been able to get while MOST banks won’t lend him money because he is a bad risk. I think I know where all that money he has been getting is coming from, RUSSIA, and his SON as told us in fact, that they get all the money they need from RUSSIA. He lies every time he opens his mouth with his racists comments toward people who were elected by the voters of this country to the offices they now hold, and he gets away with it. I have a few, I HAD a FEW Christian friends who voted for him. They say they voted for him because he was going to clean our the swamp in Washington. I personally see that he has added to it and I have told ALL of those FRIENDS that voted for him that they should not call themselves Christians! I don’t believe that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings, could ever, in all consciousness, WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR A LIAR, A RACIST BIGOT, WOMANIZER, who seems to have raised his children to be aS crooked as he is. Ivanka Trump lied telling people that she had sold million dollars condo’s in Panama, 40 of them, when in fact, she had sold none. I’m scared for this country because I see the Republican Party standing behind him, supporting him with no regard for this country and our way of life he and with the help of his Republican Party are destroying America. Those very Republican members of Congress that hated him before and all during the Republican Primaries, but have somehow sold there souls to him and support him and themselves and Party above the America they were elected to defend. Those elected officials of the GOP have placed themselves and there party, over the values that has always made this country a place that the world looked up to and admired. GOD help us to withstand Trump and the Republican Party for there turning a blind eye to a man who will, unless he is stopped somehow, is on a path to destroy this country…….