Declaration of Independence
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
I rarely write of purely political things in this blog, except to the extent they touch on criminal justice and human rights.
I’m not a Democrat, I’m not a Republican; I’m not any kind of ‘crat or ‘can, other than an American.
But we hold these truths to be self-evident:
- That no woman is created to be the involuntary plaything of a wealthy boor.
- That old men in Washington neither have dominion over young women’s bodies.
- That old men in Washington who also by chance are wealthy boors have even less unwanted access to young women’s bodies.
- That religious affiliation is not the test of a patriot.
- That Americans don’t build walls; we tear them down.
- That torture is the tool of the terrorist.
- That the value of a human life is not related to the value of his, or her, or zir financial portfolio.
- That a Supreme Court held hostage by a political party is no longer supreme.
- That the White House is not a Green House of greed.
- That men and women did not sacrifice their lives for this country so that their President could boast of the size of his crowds, or the size of his anything else.
The new American president is a pig who isn’t worth his own droppings.
I happen to be reading Bob Dylan’s memoirs. Dylan has a particularly fine version of his own hero, Woody Guthrie’s, anthem to America. It’s on the Bootleg Series 7 album, the soundtrack from Martin Scorsese’s Dylan performance film, “No Direction Home.” It’s on Apple Music, probably Spotify, almost certainly at your local library. It might even be closer to hand.
Find it. It may sustain you. Whoever you are, whatever you believe, whatever gender, color, sexual preference, this land is your land. This land was made for you and me.
2 February 2017 @ 5:55 pm
It is perhaps now a truism that Trump believes the USA holds the trump hand. But, to what avail? What game is being played? Who will be the winners? What will be the prize? Global democracy? Global happiness? Global humanitarianism? Global peace? I truly hope my sense of despair about the presidential election outcome is misplaced. But, Mr President, stone walling the actual issues won’t solve them; ask any impoverished Mexican. For that matter, ask any under-privileged human being. The Roman’s tried it in England with Hadrian’s wall. The Chinese built an even bigger and better one. The German’s thought it would work in Berlin. None of them could contain human will. Yours won’t either. The need, the right, for freedom, opportunity and decent treatment will always ultimately prevail. Each morning Mr President, look in the mirror and ask yourself, ‘How can I best show respect for my fellow beings?’ Listen carefully. You might find the answer. God bless America.
31 January 2017 @ 10:32 am
This season of oafs will continue as long as progressives sit out elections…2018 is not looking good.
8 February 2017 @ 12:41 am
Si les américains se sentent actuellement menacés, combien le sont-ils les autres peuples dans le monde qui ne disposent pas de cette emprise sur les autres nations qui se complaisent à disposer de la destinée des autres, Bon an mal an? ;
Je pense que Trump ne projette pas le malheur des américains, mais plutôt une nouvelle orientation de la richesse américaine pour le développement des américains d’abord, et la paix juste dans le monde. Tous les peuples ont le droit de disposer d’eux même, dans le respect des autres.
8 February 2017 @ 12:48 am
If Americans feel threatened at present, how many are the other peoples in the world who do not have this hold over other nations who take pleasure in disposing of the destiny of others, Bon une mal an? ;
I think Trump does not project the misfortune of the Americans, but rather a new direction of American wealth for the development of Americans first, and just peace in the world. All peoples have the right to dispose of themselves, with respect for others.