Donald Liar

I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
Michiko Kakutani, a luminous and deeply intelligent writer, has today published “The Death of Truth.”
While one always hopes such a report is premature, its subtitle is “Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump,” so actually it’s obviously overdue.
The book is dedicated to those whom the American president calls “the enemy of the people:” journalists everywhere working to report the news.
The real enemy of the people, the enemy of the Constitution, the enemy of democracy, is the president himself. Kakutani writes that under Trump, “truth increasingly seems to be in the eye of the beholder, facts are fungible and socially constructed, and we often feel as if we’ve been transported to an upside-down world where assumptions and alignments in place for decades have suddenly been turned inside out.”
To Trump, she says, lying comes as naturally as breathing, He says America is reeling from crime when in fact crime rates are at historic lows. He says America is beset by waves of violent immigrants when in fact immigrants are less likely to commit violent crimes than citizens born and raised here. He calls immigrants a burden to America when in fact thirty-one of seventy-eight American Nobel prizes since 2000 were won by immigrants, when in fact immigrants and the children of immigrants have founded sixty percent of the top U.S. tech companies, with a worth of almost four trillion dollars.
“Trump’s mendacity,” she writes, “is so extreme that news organizations have resorted to assembling lengthy lists of lies he’s told, insults he’s delivered, norms he’s violated, in addition to hiring squads of fact-checkers.” Because he lies so shamelessly, she says, other politicians have been emboldened to lie just as shamelessly. Republicans “blatantly lied about the effects their tax bill would have on the deficit and social safety net…when in fact it was all about giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich.” In other words, to their donors.
There is much more evidence in her book of Trump’s murder of the truth. Of course, outside of her book, the evidence mounts daily, almost by the hour.
To stop the lies that come so naturally to him, maybe we need to stop the breath. The perfect one to take Donald Trump’s breath away may just be the prosecutor Robert Mueller, working quietly and steadfastly these many months. It certainly won’t be the cowards who call themselves members of Congress.