Follow the Money
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
Your child isn’t as important as my gun.
Your children bleeding out on the school ground are of less consequence than my right to own the weapon that put them there.
If you want to know why, the answer is where most answers lie in American business or political life: follow the money.
President Donald Trump, who won’t back a ban on the sale of these weapons, sold himself to the NRA for about thirty million dollars. He’s one high-class whore.
Another is Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who over his career has danced with the devil for about three million, three hundred thousand dollars. He’s the sixth highest-paid NRA whore still in Congress.
They’ll give you their thoughts and prayers — though to anyone’s best knowledge the only god Donald Trump prostrates to is his gold toilet. He boasts of his own fantasy heroism should he ever find himself in the position of having the opportunity to protect schoolchildren.
Thing is, he’s already had that opportunity, several times over several mass shootings. But he won’t take it. There’s no money in it. In the past twenty years, gun rights advocacy groups outspent gun control advocacy groups by more than seven to one.
So he takes the money, instead. He, and, mostly, the Republicans.
In the 2016 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, you have to get past twenty-three United States Senators before you get to the first Democrat on the list of top donees from the gun lobby. Of the forty-six senators who took gun money in our most recent nationwide election, only five were Democrats.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the first-most-horrifying possible Republican nominee in 2016 (I believe Mr. Trump was only second-place in that category), got the most blood money among the Senators.
In the House, the reddest-stained was Speaker Paul Ryan, of course. You have to get through sixty Representatives before you find a Democrat who took the money. And he’s a Texan.
Of the two hundred thirty Representatives who took gun money during the 2016 election cycle, a whopping eleven were Democrats.
Republicans control the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
In America today, did I mention that your child isn’t as important as my gun?
28 February 2018 @ 2:42 pm
Oh, Cousin, your rant is right on the money! Remember when Trump was running for prez and I said he scared me, and that he reminds me of Hitler? He scares me even more, now, and I worry that the American people are just going to get used to such a clown being in office, and will vote for him again–and all because they’re being convinced, on a daily basis, that threatening our right to own assault weapons is tantamount to threatening the American way of life. I wonder what the Dixie Chicks would say about him now? I didn’t vote for George W. Bush, and I didn’t bother listening to him when he addressed the nation because he was like a broken record, always playing his trump card about threats to our nation’s security. But now he seems like just a bad dream, easily forgotten once we wake up, compared to the Trump cards being currently played.
My Dad would be furious with you if he could read this. My husband said, “Okay, I’ve heard enough,” when I read him the first few sentences, ending with “He’s one high-class whore.” David is a retired naval officer, and calling the Commander-in-Chief a whore is tantamount to treason, in his view. And yet he thought that Clinton shamed the office with Monica Lewinsky. Well, they have a right to their opinions, but I will never understand them.
Keep up the fight, Phil, for as long as you can. I’m with you on this one.
28 February 2018 @ 11:24 am
I think only women should be allowed to possess firearms. A minor tweak to the 2nd amendment. Probably cut the death rate by half at least, and get rid of many sexual predators at the same time.