Groundhog Day

I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
Things you can do in the United States in less than a minute:
Get a third of the way to the perfect soft-boiled egg.
If you’re the current President of the United States, be halfway through a romantic session initiated by your never-fail go-to, the pussy grab.
Kill nine people and wound twenty-seven others.
Dayton’s was the second mass shooting in America in less than twenty-four hours.
But it was just another day at the Oval Office for Donald Trump, who immediately suggested we need stronger background checks, then did his own background check with Wayne LaPierre over to the N.R.A. and remembered oh, yeah, we already have good enough background checks.
That’s our President pictured above, celebrating the first mass shooting of that day, in El Paso.
Every mass shooting it’s the same thing. Thoughts and prayers, vague promises, I never said that, those moving lips you saw on TV weren’t mine, fake news.
Again and again.
Forget it, Don. It’s Toledo.