Help Is on the Way
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
This one’s mainly for the criminal defense lawyers, and the judges.
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers has always been a boon to people like me.
It has really stepped up to help lawyers navigate Covid-19 waters, with a web page full of coronavirus legal resources, available not just to NACDL members, but to everyone.
The page is here.
On it you will find motions, pleadings, rulings, and other court papers related to COVID-19 and at-risk clients.
The page is constantly updated, and if you know of other available resources, your gift will be added.
The trove includes:
Free webinars
Motions to challenge pre-trial confinement of at-risk clients; for early release; for conversion to home confinement; for sentence reductions; to reduce jail populations by releasing nonviolent offenders; for bond reduction; many more
Judges’ orders granting such motions
How to handle attempts to shut down criminal defense lawyers as nonessential businesses
Joint advocacy letters and platforms
Legal press guidance and other media news
Government assistance for small businesses
A ton and a half of other resources for the criminal justice community, national and international
Please be well, stay well, litigate well.
1 May 2020 @ 8:33 pm
Nonessential business?! Yikes!