Holy Days Gift #2 — Strangest Dream
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever dreamed before
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war
Funny thing is, that’s exactly what the world had all agreed in 1928 – 1934. Before World War II, before Korea, before Vietnam, before the wars in the Middle East and over five of seven continents. Wars unending. Lives, interrupted.
Most of us were eighteen when we went to war, whichever war it was. By nineteen, by twenty at most, we were old men. Increasingly, we were old women as well.
At eighteen, we were just finding our voices, our own voices. We had so much to say. Many of us never got to say it. So many lost poems, So much music, gone in a spray of blood and bone.
The General Treaty for the Renunciation of War joined sixty-three countries (about all the countries the world had then) in a pledge to preserve the poetry and music yet to be written. The year 1934 was to have been the last year of loss, the first year of millennia of peace. Guns and swords and uniforms would scatter on the ground. We’d never fight again.
It’s still the law. The treaty has never been abrogated by any of the countries that signed it. War is illegal.
Maybe it’s time to enforce it. Maybe by next Christmas. Peace on earth at last. Click on Ed McCurdy’s words above.