Odds and Ends

I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
Congressman Jason Crow wrote the other day to ask me to contribute the $15.79 I’d otherwise spend on Lauren Boebert’s fantastic somewhat new book to his own reelection campaign instead. Between the time he wrote me and the time I am writing this, her book’s been cut to a way more reasonable $5.90, and if I actually contributed to people’s campaigns in other people’s districts, I’d…
Wait…Lauren Boebert’s written a book?
The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project somehow ranked Abraham Lincoln a greater president than Donald Trump, a close forty-four places behind. The good news was that he didn’t place any lower than the first time he was included in the survey of one hundred fifty four political scientists.
Trump reportedly called the project unfair because this time there was one more president to include, so the fact he went down one place might give people a false impression of his performance.
The comedic news commentator John Oliver offered Clarence Thomas a million dollars a year to take early retirement. Plus he’s throwing in a two point four million-dollar sexed-up motor-coach so he can dump those boring super-yacht trips.
The Supreme Court Justice has till 19 March to decide if he’d like to spend the rest of his days motoring in the posh tour bus, ethically challenged no more.
One court insider said Thomas hasn’t been so thrilled since he offered Anita Hill a sip of his Coke. But It’s a clear effort to buy off one of the highest judges in the land.
And it’s a crowded field.
29 February 2024 @ 1:59 pm
Boebert claims to be all about family values and individual responsibility but apparently she and her ex-husband haven’t done the best job in raising their now 18-year old son who is facing felony charges for breaking into cars and stealing people’s credit cards . If we all yell Beetlejuice three times in a row is it possible she’ll resign?