Presidential Brutality
I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
During his campaign for the Presidency, Donald Trump repeatedly urged supporters to rough up the protestors who dogged his trail.
So I suppose it’s no surprise that, speaking yesterday to police in Long Island, he urged them to random acts of brutality against the suspects they encounter. No surprise, but not a thing you like to hear from a President of the United States. Not some of us, anyway.
The officers arrayed behind him laughed and smiled, perhaps in embarrassment, but it made for a ghoulish image. Have the police really been just waiting for a leader of the free world who happens also to be a cheap thug?
Don’t be too nice to your suspects, Trump said. Let ‘em bang their heads when you throw them in the back seat of a police car. Pay no attention to the laws, which are stacked against you.
Better advice? Pay no attention to this President.
3 August 2017 @ 4:56 pm
Let’s see is it “innocent until proven guilty” or the other way around?