Sessions Is in Congress

I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
Following is a nearly complete transcript of the testimony of the nation’s top law enforcement officer before Congress yesterday (with thanks to Rolling Stone):
I do not have recollection of meeting or talking to the Russian ambassador.
…nor do I recall any conversations with any Russian officials at the Mayflower Hotel.
I do not remember it.
I did not remember that (the Russian ambassador, photographed three feet from me, was there).
I’ve racked my brain…I don’t remember that I (met with any Russian officials on behalf of the Trump campaign).
I do not (recollect when Jared Kushner had conversations with the Russian ambassador).
I don’t recall (talking with the ambassador). It’s conceivable, but I don’t remember it.
Not to my recollection (did I meet with any other Russian spies during the campaign)
I still do not recall (a possible meeting).
Not to my recollection (were there any more meetings than the ones I previously did not recollect in my sworn testimony).
Not exactly (could I recall the New York Times article alleging constant communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians during the election).
I don’t recall (whether anyone might have tried to gain influence with the Trump campaign).
I don’t think I had direct involvement (in deleting a Republican platform pledge to provide defensive weapons to the Ukraine).
I don’t recall (a debate about the issue).
I don’t recall (any meetings to remove sanctions against Russia).
I don’t recall (conversations in which Trump showed any concern or curiosity about Russian meddling in the election).
I don’t recall (any concern at all).
I don’t recall any (other meetings between Trump campaign associates and Russian spies).
I don’t recall (if General Michael Flynn met with the Russians).
I don’t recall (if Chief of Staff Reince Preibus met with the Russians).
I don’t recall (if Trump speechwriter Stephen Miller met with the Russians).
I don’t recall (if former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski met with the Russians).
I don’t recall (if Trump advisor Carter Page met with the Russians).
I don’t recall (if I had any further conversations with the Russians I haven’t already, if belatedly, disclosed).
I don’t recall…at this moment (whether any other Trump campaign officials had any communications with Russian officials, nationals, or spies).
I don’t recall (whether I ever discussed Russia’s support for Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, or that leader’s use of chemical weapons against his own people).
I don’t recall (raising any concerns about Russia’s interference in our electoral process, or with the electoral processes of our allies).
I just don’t have a real recall (of any Russia-related security issues).
I don’t recall (practically anything, as it turns out).
After the testimony, dozens of Congress-watchers were asked whether any other Senate hearing witness had suffered such a massive apparent memory loss.
No one could recall.