The November Woman

I’m just a plainspoken Colorado criminal defense lawyer, but the way I see it…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the foundation of international human rights law. Its Article 21 says that one of those human rights is that the will of the people shall be the basis of governmental authority, expressed through free elections by universal and equal suffrage. Universal means everyone of voting age.
It’s astonishing that today marks just one hundred years that women in the United States have nationwide been able to exercise their human right to vote. This country is two hundred forty-four years old. That’s a lot of years of unwoke dudes.
So this year I’m not voting for Joe Biden. I’m not voting for Donald Trump either. I’m voting for Kamala Harris, so that in 2024 — or 2028 if Biden somehow keeps on creakin’ — this man can cast a vote for the first woman President of the United States.
High time.