Letter from Salt Lake City

Richard J Van Wagoner
Courtesy of Van Wagoner Family Trust
[Editor’s Note: Rick Van Wagoner is the head of the Criminal Defense Practice Group at Snow Christensen & Martineau. That’s in Utah, celebrated as the eleventh-least-densely populated of the United States, which if I understand that correctly means he’s one of the brighter lawyers in the nation. Bright as he is, he writes a blog called Last Amendment (he’s actually a First Amendment expert) that “comments on the current regime’s manipulation and suppression of political, geopolitical, scientific, economic, ethical, and truthful speech.”
In other words, Donald Trump, all the livelong damn day. That’s got to be painful. To ease his pain, he illustrates each of his posts with wonderfully wise and photorealist watercolors and oils painted by his father Richard J Van Wagoner, photographed by his daughter Angela Moore. They’re well worth seeing, and Rick’s service to his country is well worth reading.]
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